In Chinese Medicine, When body and mind work properly in harmony and energy flows freely, you are healthy. There are over 360 points in human body, which when activated, can perform required actions to restore the balance. After diagnosis, I choose the points individually for you to enable the free flow of Qi energy, improve circulation. This helps to balance the body, relax, pain and stress relief.
What to expect?
Acupuncture is usually pain-free. You may feel a sensation like an insect bite, sometimes a slight electric current or like a hair pluck feeling. This, however, settles quickly and for the next 20 minutes you can relax.
The needles are very fine, bendy and single use.
During the first visit, after detailed questionnaire, I make the diagnosis and we discuss the therapy plan. The methods are chosen individually according to the needs, we discuss possible lifestyle changes, naturopathic and diet advices. After the consultation there is the treatment itself with acupuncture or a combination of method, which are included in price.
The first visit
Takes around 1.5 hour and costs £55. For seniors after 60 and students the cost is £50.
The follow up visits
Last 45-60 minutes and the price is £40 i £35 with the discount.